Department of Health Care Services (DHCS)
- California Medicaid Management Information System (CA-MMIS) Discovery, Documentation and Business Rules Extraction / Annotation of Business Rules from COBOL/Forte
- Medi-Cal Eligibility Data System (MEDS) – Discovery, Documentation and Business Rules Extraction / Annotation of Business Rules from COBOL/IDMS/ADSO
- California Dental Medicaid Management Information System (CA-MMIS)– Discovery, Documentation and Business Rules Extraction / Annotation of Business Rules from COBOL/IDMS/ADSO
State Controller’s Office (SCO)
- Legacy Systems – Discovery, Documentation and Business Rule Extraction from COBOL/IDMS/ADSO/VSAM
Department of Developmental Services (DDS)
- WAIVER and CRS Systems – Discovery and Documentation from Adabas/Natural and COBOL
Employment Development Department (EDD)
- Conversion of Unemployment Insurance and Disability Insurance databases from Legacy IDMS to enterprise DB2
Department of Social Services (DSS)
- Conversion of 26 Public Assistance applications from COBOL and Adabas/Natural to .NET/SQL Server
Department of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE)
- Development of 10 day Entertainment Work Permit system, Entertainment Work Permit for Minor Entertainers system – public facing with online payment in Java/Oracle
- Conversion and enhancement of Certified Payroll Records system and Farm Labor Contractor Permit system in Java/Oracle
- Conversion and Modernization of the following permit systems: Studio Minor Entertainer Permits, Talent Agent Permits, Carwash Permits, Garment Permits
Department of Industrial Relations (DIR)
- Conversion of the Public Works Tracking System to .Net/SQL Server
- Conversion of the Dept. of Apprenticeships to .Net/SQL Server
- Conversion and enhancement of the Self Insured Workmen’s Compensation system to public facing Java/Oracle
Department of Transportation
- Conversion and enhancement of CA Transportation Improvement Program (CTIPS) from FoxPro to Java/Oracle
- Upgrade of LP2000 to latest version of Oracle.
- Upgrade of the BETS system to latest version of Oracle forms.
- Upgrade of the QME system to latest version of Oracle
City of New York
- Adabas/Natural – Discovery, Documentation, Business Rule Extraction to identify modernization strategy for remaining mainframe applications.